General Options

Where to look for a JWT when processing a request. The options are headers or cookies. You can pass in a sequence to set more than one location ('headers','cookies'). Defaults to {'headers'} if you pass headers and cookies, headers are precedence.
The secret key needed for symmetric based signing algorithms, such as HS*. Defaults to None
The public key needed for asymmetric based signing algorithms, such as RS* or EC*. PEM format expected. Defaults to None
The private key needed for asymmetric based signing algorithms, such as RS* or EC*. PEM format expected. Defaults to None
Which algorithm to sign the JWT with. See here for the options. Defaults to HS256
Which algorithms are allowed to decode a JWT. Defaults to a list with only the algorithm set in authjwt_algorithm
Define the leeway part of the expiration time definition, which means you can validate an expiration time which is in the past but not very far. Defaults to 0
Define the issuer to set the issuer in JWT claims, only access token have issuer claim. Defaults to None
Define the issuer to check the issuer in JWT claims, only access token have issuer claim. Defaults to None
The audience or list of audiences you expect in a JWT when decoding it. Defaults to None
How long an access token should live before it expires. This takes value integer (seconds) or datetime.timedelta, and defaults to 15 minutes. Can be set to False to disable expiration.
How long an refresh token should live before it expires. This takes value integer (seconds) or datetime.timedelta, and defaults to 30 days. Can be set to False to disable expiration.